What-I-Thought-Wednesday: Tara Starlet

Most of my lovely readers will have probably heard of Tara Starlet. I've mentioned them enough times on this blog, sung their praises for Lottie Loves. If I had lots of money, I would already own about 90% of the stuff in their shop. How I would love to live in London and go to the Sample Sales they hold, but alas, I don't and the Train Fare is horrendous! I've been considering reviewing them for some time, and finally got around to it this week!

Being my lowly, teenagery self, I haven't the funds to buy whole outfits from repro shops or ebay or etsy. I generally get to treat myself to one item of vintage or repro per month. Two if I'm lucky. I have to sell stuff on ebay or etsy if I want more than that. As it stands, I only have two pieces from Tara Starlet's beautiful shop. I had to make a painful decision, but decide I did.

I love Tara Starlet for many reasons. First, that it suits me. I sometimes find 'The Forties' is a bit ageing on someone as young as me, but everything from Tara Starlet is light and youthful yet still sophisticated. Secondly because they're ethical: "On top of this, all of our clothes are made locally in London, to keep our carbon footprint dainty. These ecological techniques help to make our collection authentic, unique and exclusive, and at the same time, keep our conscience clear as crystal!" 

I myself own the Sailor Shorts and a blouse that they are no longer selling. I'll review the shorts as you can actually still purchase them! When my sailor shorts first arrived I was pleased by the colour. Just as vivid as the pictures suggests and the buttons were beautifully shiny and new. After a good wash in the machine, I can report that the shorts are still red and the buttons are still shiny!

For the most part, I love the fit of these shorts. The waist sits in the right place (even for my high waist) and skims just over your hips and your bum, not too tightly but not too baggily. One thing that can get annoying is that these shorts easily ride up. I'm not sure if it's because of my body shape or just the fit of the shorts but I did find myself repeatedly pulling the legs down! another thing, although I assume that is to be expected, is that the legs wrinkle up a lot on the inside of the thigh, however, it was solved with a quick ironing. 

They ironed pretty well apart from one alarming moment when I put the iron to the shorts and the fabric turned darker and shiny! All was well when they cooled though, and returned to their original colour.

I love these shorts because they don't look too typically like 'reproduction vintage' - which is often what puts me off repro - and they go with loads of stuff. I've worn stripy t-shirts tucked in for a nautical look, the same shirts tied under my bust for a pin-up look, with peasant blouses and even my other Tara Starlet purchase. I love these shorts and despite the occasional wrenching-down they require I can see me wearing them all through the summer!*

*Providing we see a bit more than a weeks worth of sun this summer!

Hope this helps, Lots of Love
Miss Pancake