Do you remember I told you about Cora Kemperman and how she was perhaps my favorite designer along with María Cornejo? Cora has stores in Amsterdam, Arnhem, Breda, Maastrich, Rotterdam, Utrecht, Antwerp, Brussels and Ghent NO UNITED STATED OF AMERICA HERE!!! Hence her inevitable appeal, not that I have anything against the US in fact GOD BLESS AMERICA we love it, but the fact that Cora's designs are so unconventional makes her the more interesting to me. Whenever I go to Amsterdam to visit my cousin Gloria (which is not that very often ahhhh), I always make her take me to Cora, of course Gloria is also a huge fan of hers. Well on one of my visits I bought this wonderful dress I decided to wear today to go to the network for my weekly segment STYLE SESSIONS.

Don't you love the dress?