Minnie Moans Again

Arguments of the like go round and round the internet within the Vintage Community about this, and I am not about to start one again. Whilst I curse my 21st century waist and feet, I am certainly not about to claim I was 'born in the wrong era'!
Yes Please.
(source: weheartit)

I do however wish it wasn't so sodding difficult to get a job these days. No, i'm not about to present an in-depth, meaningful and thought-provoking post. I'm just here to have a good old whinge.

Why oh why oh why is it so bloody hard to get a job. I mean, I know back in the '40s and '50s a lot of ladies didn't work, but someone had to rollerskate around the local cafe, right? Certainly in the 40s you had your Rosie-the-Riveters left, right and centre. How on earth do they ('they' being nobody in particular, just 'they'. The gods of shopping, perhaps?) expect me to buy all these beauteous vintage lovelies if I haven't a penny to spend on them? 

What gets me, is that I am 16. Looking, no - begging for a job, minimum wage, what whatever hours I can get. I'm not even 18, therefore I am the cheapest form of employment you can get. I have been disgustingly perseverant (which is what every PSHE teacher tells you is important, am I right?) and I would gladly rollerskate around  with a tray of coffee (note: I cannot rollerskate), tick boxes, or even erm..... rivet? I just need some funding for my money-sucking gigantic holiday I am on at the moment. (oh I know, woe-is-me!) 

I'm already listing half of the contents of my wardrobe in desperation, have opened an Etsy shop currently featuring one item and have already begun to consider advertising on this site. 

Grumpity grump grump grump. No doubt my current situation will provoke some money-making/saving ideas in my brain (I hope) which will spice up my blog a little bit. 

I also might add that if it was up to me I would spend the rest of my life modelling (ha!) and working in my tea shop. (note: I don't have a tea shop. yet.)

I apologise for this strange, moany and ranty post. Regular programming will resume shortly. I will now go, before I feel it necessary to add any more brackets into this post.

Miss P