Homemaker Heaven: Vintage Storage Ideas!

More Vintage than you know what do do with? Are you finding bobby pins stuck to your feet (and the carpet!), Pincurl clips in odd places and more Sponge rollers and rags than you know what to do with? Never fear, Lady Pancake is here with a few quick ideas to keep your falsies and your florals in order!

Being a gal of the vintage persuasion is arguably more hassle than being your average fashionista. Not only are we weighed down with piles of jewellery and a gallon of hairspray, we also have to compensate for the gruelling hair-pinning, setting, accessory-sporting and eyeliner-applying, which understandably is a drain on our free space! On top of that we have a ton of other ordinary-person crap - lotions and potions, miscellaneous wires and a truckload of DVDs, books, and heaven knows what else. 

Oh woe, so much vital stuff and with seemingly only one solution: Tupperware. Your average vintage dolly does not do Tupperware. Tupperware is for keeping dainty sandwiches in for this afternoon's picnic in the park. Tupperware is not an appropriate place to keep your rhinestones and your powder puffs! Fear not - here are some delightful vintage-y storage ideas that won't blandify and plastic-up your home!

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Kitschy tins and boxes for hairpins, brushes, pens and cotton

A vintage dressing table set for a place to pop your powder,
rings and erm... candles?

Hoist up a ribbon over your dressing table and display all
your hair-pretties as well as having easy access!

nooks in the dressing table provide ample
shoving-space for headscarves!

Dressing table draws to keep your modern makeup looking
sweet and neat and tidy!

Tupperware be gone, Hello floral Treasure Chest!
A 30s cigarette box, perfect for my bobby pins.

Hat box - full of DVDs
Suitcase  - full of books
30s Trunk - brimming with china and ephemera!

And for gloriously decorative and organisational purposes,
an idea I saw somewhere but can't for the life
of me remember where: Storing your jewellery
never was so b-e-a-utiful!