Swing For Skin: Fill The Gaps in Your Address Book!

Followers on Twitter may know that on Saturday morning I ventured off into the land of vintage-y London-y loveliness. I'd been invited to the Swing for Skin bash, so my lovely old dad offered to chaperone me there to ensure I was not kidnapped or lost. We set off on Saturday morning, figuring we'd go and do some 40s- themed thingies whilst we were there. We checked into the rather dubiously-named 'Good Enough Club' which turned out to be part of Good Enough College (insert small noise/moment of enlightenment and understanding). Despite the hostel-sounding name it was in a lovely old building and boasted 4 stars. I suppose you can't really wriggle out of it when your hotel is part of the 'Good Enough' Campus. I am intrigued as to what the students of Good Enough College actually.. do? It makes me think they're either utter simpletons who are only just 'good enough' or y'know, Brain Surgeons.

Looking Absorbed....
Continuing on from there we visited the Churchill Museum and Cabinet War Rooms because I'd always wanted to go and never got the chance! We did the mandatory listening-to-the-audio-guides and getting-out-of-pushy-people's-way and I emerged pleased but hungry. We went for a little lunch and an icecream and then wandered off to Soho in search of vintage (my dad's idea I must point out!). Although the only other shop we found was closed, Beyond Retro was there in all it's vintage-y retro-y glory. Last time I went I didn't really find much in there, so I intended to have a quick breeze about and head off again, but oho did I find something amazing! I was sifting through a rack of could've-been-50s dresses (I had no idea, they could've been but they weren't very... typical?) feeling hopeful but disillusioned when I happened across a red gingham number. I was surprised at how much it looked like a Swirl dress (I have been stalking Swirls on ebay for about a year now!) I flipped it around and saw that it was a button-back. I fumbled in the neck-hole and revealed the label: Swirl! A SWIRL LADIES AND GENTLEMAN, at only £32. The only time I ever had money enough to actually win a bid war on one, they all disappeared off the face of the earth. As soon as I spent all the money, they reappeared in reams. I virtually ran to the cashier and got out before anyone could change their minds. After that we just bumbled around before returning to our single-sized palaces to 'freshen up' (as my dad put it) before our trip on-board 'the good ship charity'.

Cake, Sweets, Tea and Heyday. Made of win!
Typically, just as we were crossing the bridge to actually get to the ship, Headache struck. It was one of those really hurty ones that leaves you reeling for a moment. I'm sorry to say that from then on the whole night was tinged with headache. I must admit I was terrified. I knew no one. Of course I had chatted with loads of the guests online, but half of them I didn't have the foggiest who they were in real life! Despite my wussy-ness, I was still able to notice what a fantastic achievement it was. I was so impressed by the way everyone was just....hangin' out. Everyone was pretty chilled and I was so impressed by the prizes, the music, and the other entertainment, amongst it The Polka Dot Dolls and Lipstick and Curls. The Whole event was just a delight, including the goodie-bags which I so thoughfully photographed the contents of. I think the best thing though, was the huge diversity of people who were there. I believe it was Naomi of Vintage Secret who said it first: the night was a real 'who's who' of the vintage community. Everyone was there, virtually all of 'The Vintage Mafia', Melissa herself (of course!) Little Miss B HatsRetro Chick and so many others. There was about 10-odd tweeters who I met or saw and I was so glad I went. I think the reason this happened is because of Melissa. She's such a charming dame, real world and twitter world that I think people instantly fall in love with her. I'm sure that the fact that she seems to look past how 'vintage' you are or how, ahem, dramatic you are (who, me?!) and reaches out to anyone, friend or stranger. I think that Mel was the common denominator for lots of the guests and Swing for Skin brought all these different walks of vintage together in a big musical, dancing, cake-filled pile. 

Looking Shy but '40's (and not a stitch of vintage!)

Fleur and Lisa looking swoon-tastic.
I'm afraid I don't have many good pictures of the night. I abandoned my camera with my dad, who only took a few snaps (he is camera-illiterate. Kind of.), and tried not to grimace. I do so wish I had more balls and had manned up and met people, but I am a shy creature. Regardless I am glad I met you all. Lisa, Jenni, Fleur, Naomi, Gemma, Minerva - you are all officially my fwends now whether you like it or not....! I also got my first 'hello I'm a real person and I recognise you and I actually read your blog!' THANKYOU SO MUCH MYSTERY LADY, pleaaaaseee please please comment below or email me or something so I actually know who you are! I felt a bit of a celebrity actually, I was so surprised that Cool People were excited to meet me. *flushes with pleasure*. I did sneak off about 5 minutes before the end, but I stayed long enough to see the gloriously anti-climax winner of the Pashley Bicycle (heehee!) and realise that I had managed to purchase a £1 raffle ticket for £10. I. Am. A. Moron. My poor dad took me home and I had popcorn for tea, before snuggling into bed, pained but pleased. Thankyou so much Melissa (Queeniejelly on Twitter) Amy, Lex and everyone else who helped to organise the event, you should be very very proud. Also, although my dad won't be reading this, thankyou so much daddy. I know you had a very long and relatively boring (and expensive) weekend filled with shopping and being awkward, but I know you did it for me. 

Bright and early Sunday morning, We had a leisurely breakfast before charging off to Brick Lane where I did some more shopping and my dad did some more (undoubtedly) dying of boredom. He almost bought me the most beautiful '50s kitschy print dress because he liked it and it was half price, but I felt he had spent enough so I declined. I came away with a Pillar-box red swing jacket which I have been searching for for ages, as well as a nice layer of guilt about the fur trade from which I have not bought anything. 

Enchantment and Rambling over. I will be back. I'm afraid I had to delay Homemaker Heaven 'cause this was too exciting to not blog about. I love you all followers. There is talk of another Swing for Skin next year.....50's anyone?!
 Annie P xxxxxx

P.s: if you actually read all of that you deserve an applause. We should have a code-word so I know who actually read it to the end..... hehehe.