Homemaker Heaven: 10 Tips to Make Your House Look Cleaner Than it Really is!

Everyone knows that nowadays, not all of us have the time to flit from room-to-room donning a delicate apron and a pink feather duster, leaving gleaming surfaces and organisational bliss behind us.  Some of you have work or school, some of you have kids and some of you just feel like there is far more important things to be doing - like baking and...shopping..

It might seem a little strange hearing this from a young'un but I am unusually houseproud for my age. I will admit that it's sort of on-and-off, going from not caring if my room's a tip to being an absolute Tidy-Nazi in a matter of hours. I also do help my mother in our fortnightly-or-so Blitzing of the house. We do this because like a lot of people out there, nobody has the time nor the inclination to tidy after a long day at work, and my parents are insanely busy. For people looking for some quick ways to 'spruce' up the house in-between blitzes, please enjoy the following 10 Tips!:

1. Shine Your Kitchen Sink
I have really started to notice how much cleaner the kitchen looks without the food-y, coffee-y stains on it. After washing up just sluice the worst off with the sponge and et voila!

2. Clean The Taps
Apart from the lemony-fresh smell, you know the bathroom has been cleaned when your taps are gleaming. If you haven't the time to scrub the tiles, give the taps a quick rub to get all the water marks off.

3. Wipe Your Mirrors!
Mirrors everywhere, they collect dust and the bathroom mirror is always lightly splattered with questionable substances! It's one of those times in which you notice when something is dirty, but you don't quite pick up on it when it's clean.

4. Straighten Out the Cushions
That's right. Everybody knows it. Just give the cushions on the sofa a quick punch for a better-presented living room.

5. Manage Your Pets
Invest in a little decorative meant-to-be-there storage item, for instance a vintage-trunk-style box or basket to chuck in the dog's manky bone or the cat's catnip at a moment's notice and clear the floor a little.

6. Stack!
Stacking in Action!
Even if it's just your bank statement and this month's Amateur Gardener, gathering all your various envelopes and TV Guides together looks a bit more like you actually intend to do something with them! ;) Pop it on the Chiffonier with a pen on top and nobody will think anything of it! The same goes for storage and blankets and cushions and anything else you can think of! As long as it's artfully done...

7. Make Your Bed
IT'S SO EASY. You don't even have to pile pillows and throws up like a Dunelm Poster, just pull the duvet straight and it makes everything look better.

8. Vacuum
Giving a room per day the once-over with the Vacuum cleaner can make the room look much bigger and clearer immediately.

9. Be Organised to Begin With
Definitely easier said than done. Make use of under beds and wall shelving to house storage boxes and give everything a 'place'. It's easier to hurl things into their correct place than hunting for a place to put them.

10. If All Else Fails..
Turn all the lights off and light candles in the 'clean' areas of the room. Hee hee!

Good Luck!

Annie xxxx

P.S, pictures of my glorious purchases should be up tomorrow/soon! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx