Swing For Skin: A Post; A Cause!

Brits and some 'mericans (and all you other folks too!) who read a few of the most popular vintage blogs around may have heard of Swing for Skin. It is a Fabulous 40s event to be held this year June 4th on the HMS Belfast on the Thames! It has been organised by Melissa Smith (@queeniejelly) along with Amy Georgina and Lex to raise money for a charity called http://www.debra.org.uk/ who raise money for sufferers of EB - Epidermolysis Bullosa! (p.s Mel, I didn't even have to look up the spelling of that!) I must admit, there are many others who know a lot more about EB than I do, so please refer to the DebRA website, along with this page on the Swing for Skin website.  

I will be attending the bash, and it promises a night of fun, dancing and PRIZES. The organisers have done a brilliant job of rounding up sponsors and donations for the raffle, which so far include: 

- a Helen Rochfort Handbag
- a BLOOM Gin Hamper
- a Set of Sarah Waters Novels
- a Family Photo Shoot!

as well as dancing, drinks and overall merriment. If you're thinking of going please consider it! I'd love to make a few vintage chums and it's for a worthy cause! It'll appeal to all pals and gals of even the vaguest vintage orientation, which is why I was asked to write up one of the first of a few posts educating even the newest vintage gal on how to achieve a delicious 40's look, whether highstreet, repro or real vintage! This is my post

I'm so honoured to have been asked/been able to write for this lovely blog and to be attending what promises to be a wonderful night. Tell your friends...and your friends' friends, tell the world! The tickets are selling, as are the raffle tickets, so get yours soon! ;) 

See you there... 

Miss Pancake ;)