Shoes, Glorious Shoes... THAT FIT!

Hello Readers! I am breaking, breifly from my revision-soaked silence, to show you my glorious new purchases from good old Marks and Spencer. I for one, was horrified when the rest of the world celebrated Marks and Sparks' new-look, with their glamorous new models prancing around in the adverts donning trendy clothes and pretty underwear! Just as I had found vintage, the epitome of vintage, britishness (arguably) was being... modernised. As someone whose suffers from a condition know as BIGFOOT my measurements are tantalisingly close, but just too wide for those delicious vintage wedges, and those lucite heels on ebay. Thus, I must rely on the highstreet for vintage-esque footwear.
Upon entering M&S, I was heartened to see that they had not entirely forgotten the little old ladies (although admittedly I don't see any little old ladies wearing this particular shoe) and have quite a few pairs of lovely shoes. For instance these lovely T - Bars and these!
More long-time followers of mine may recall that I have a passion for stripes, and anything nautical and as these were in my price-range, I just had to buy. Oh, swoon! 

 See you soon (ish) my lovelies - utter freedom awaits me 10th of June! I am so excited about blogging.

Lots of Love xxxxxxxxxxxxx