So, we were asked in our first Media Cultures lecture to come up with a media text that expresses or 'belongs to' our culture. As you may know, it took a while to get my head around the word 'culture' itself, let alone find something which represents what I think the word means!
Anyway, I've decided that many of my interests, passions, ambitions and aspirations are encapsulated in Style, the Sunday Times’ magazine. Unlike many of the ‘glossy weeklies’ (yes, I admit to taking a peek now and again), Style offers me everything I could want: fashion, styling, latest trends, upcoming musicians and so much more.
On top of all the fabulous things above, Style appeals to me because it does them all in an interesting, arty, indie-chic way that no other magazine I’ve found does. The photographs are beautiful, capturing beauty, style but more intriguingly, the emotion and feelings of those in the frame. Yes, it addresses the issues that most women’s magazines do (relationships, careers, well-being) but it does so with more imagination, detailed research and creative writing. Another two of my interests feature in Style; interior design and good food! Okay, so I live at home and I’m no Jean Christophe Novelli but a girl can dream can’t she? By not giving me affordable, student-budget lifestyle choices; Style gives me everything I hope to have one day and something to strive for.
I feel that Style is part of my culture in many ways. Firstly, as a figure of the female species, its part of my lifestyle culture; fashion, beauty, living, dining and socialising. Although part of the ‘grown-up’, quality Times family, the magazine is aimed at aspiring young professionals (a la moi) with common interests. And it seems to fit my own approach to culture – a bit of this and that. It dabbles in all circles and its content varies weekly. A final thought is that Style is part of my professional culture – it belongs to the journalist in me. It digs out the real issues behind all the make-up, designer clothes and celebrity frolics and it discusses them in an informed, intelligent yet compelling fashion.
My cultural, social, style, lifestyle and career aspirations all rolled into one magazine – perfect!