Eike von Stuckenbrok on Myspace
Twenty-year-old German gymnast Eike von Stuckenbrok is appearing in something called Soap Show, which seems to challenge him and his co-stars to do more bendy things with their bodies than I'd ever thought possible. Clicking on this link is worth it. It's NSFW near the "end" of one routine.
on Boy Culture.Every now and again someone comes along with such a mixture of talent, good looks, originality and sheer flare that you can do nothing but hope your jaw doesn't hit anything too hard when it lands on the ground.
Eike von Stuckenbrok is exactly that kind of phenomenon: part gymnast, part acrobat, part contemporary dancer, he calls himself an 'equilibrist'. What he does is astonishing and it really doesn't hurt that he likes to do it without many clothes on and in some very homoerotic atmospheres. Perhaps the most surreal moment he's brought me so far is his appearance on The Paul O'Grady Show where he was watched doing his thing, writhing around a 10ft statue of a shirtless man (normally the figure in this routine is naked) whilst fellow guest Dame Edna Everage looked on - marvellous. Hit the first Youtube link below for sheer jaw-dropping brilliance and then explore on your own but don't send me the dry-cleaning bills for the drool on your carpet.
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By Callum James - Front Free Endpaper
