2.000.000 Two Million views!!!!!!!!!


Thank you very much Micheal for celebrating with us!!!!!!


Never thought that it would be possible for a private blog to reach that!!

Not sponsored in any way and just posting things I personally like!!

Many thanks to all the people who do like what I like!!

I must admit that I have been kept on my toes by you all, to regularly keep updating my blog!!

I must also admit that I had never met an Emo Boy when I started this blog!!

Now I am personally surrounded by many Emo friends, here at home and on the net!!

No need to worry that I will abandon this blog in the near future!!

You all keep well!!

Lots of love and respect,

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What is Performatism?

Performatism was a term coined by German-American Slavist Raoul Eshelman in 2000 and refers to one concept of post-postmodernism. It attempts to show that works in a new epoch are constructed to bring about a unified, aesthetically mediated experience of transcendence.

Performatism does this by creating 'closed works of art that force viewers to identify simple, opaque characters and experience beauty, love, belief and transcendence under artificial conditions.'

Eshelman defines performatism as:

"An epoch in which a unified concept of sign and strategies of closure have begun to compete directly with - and displace - the split concept of sign and the strategies of boundary transgression typical of postmodernism."

He applied this model to literature, film, architecture, philosophy and art and suggests four features of performatism:

1. Semiotic mode of performatism requires things to be integrated into the concept of sign.
2. Aesthetic device to performatism is double framing - the fit between the outer frame (work itself) and the inner frame (an ostensive scene).
3. Human performative characters consolidate their position by appearing opaque to the world around them.
4. Theist mode - time and space are framed so that subjects have a chance to orient themselves around them and transcend in some way.

My understanding of the concept is that it moves on from the ideas of post-modernism - which sees 'art' as undermined by narrative or visual devices to create uncertainty about the status of the work and how it is received. Instead, performatism looks at 'art' (in the literal sense as well as buildings, film, literature)from the outside and considers the wider context of its form and position.

Derrida suggests that discussion of 'intrinsic aesthetic value depends on that value being set off from the extraneous context around it.' By this, I think the idea is that the text itself and the wider context come together to determine a response without having pre-determined 'idea' in mind.

Key theorists:

Raoul Eshelman
Jacques Derrida

Reading list:

Derrida: "Structure, Sign, and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences" (1966)
Eshelman: "Performatism, Or The End of Postmodernism" (2008)
Gans: "Signs of Paradox. Irony, Resentment and Other Mimetic Structures" (1997)
Hutcheon: "A poetics of Postmodernism: History, Theory, Fiction" (1988)
Culler: "On Deconstruction - Theory and Criticism after Structuralism" (1982)
Epstein: "Russian Postmodernism: New Perspectives on Late Soviet and Post-Soviet Culture" in Slavic Literature, Culture and Society; Vol. 3 (1999)

Cute Emo Boy

cute emo boy

Emo Alex Evans

alex emo

Emo Guy

emo guy

iraisavampire (18) "Unexpected. Photography"



I am a Portrait Photographer

iraisavampire aka Ira Giorgetti


Just me in my room late at night with nothing better to do than take dark self-portraits


Without Hope

Broken Dragon


Skinny Jeans


Ira Giorgetti

boys will be boys


I Like It Rough

Ira is a Christmas Vampire


I have no morals.
I find sleep to be boring and a waste of time.
I'm very perceptive.
Oh yeah I'm a vampire.
Photography is my life.
I don't believe in conglomerism.
Sexy and undead just go together.
I'm a national scholar.
Yes, I'm quite vain.
I'm interested in blood and whatnot.
I can be mean if I want to be.
I'm one of the most determined people you will ever meet.

Penguins and Beanie Hats



Awaken The Pheonix

Loose and Lazy

origins of symmetry



Bored in my room, lookin' for that damned box of Lucky Charms.
Yes, yes it's freakin' 32 degrees Centigrade in there, ugh.
Self-timer + Tripod.

I'm just another Filipino-Italian here that loves taking photos of things.
Oh yeah, I'm a vampire. I like photography. A lot. And vodka. Yeah.

brothers in blood

Look at this space design "kissing" device!!!!!

Mar. 10, 2010 at 9:02pm with 375 notes

REMEMBER: March 10 2010!!

On the internet, social networking and working on photos, having a glass of vodka.

This is me almost every night.
Of course I don't edit my other self-portraits on a nightly basis but I just felt like they should be on the screen while I took this shot.
I'm extremely bored and in a state of constant procrastination.

24 March 2008

Anything from Britney Spears to crepe flambe. 
Was just really bored, decided to make this in the wee hours of the morning.   
